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OpenAPI / Swagger, AsyncAPI & Semoasa definitions to (re)Slate compatible markdown

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Converting an OpenAPI/Swagger file to Markdown with the Widdershins JavaScript interface

Using Widdershins in a JavaScript program gives you control over the full range of options. To use Widdershins from the CLI, see Converting an OpenAPI/Swagger file to Markdown with the Widdershins CLI.


Now you can use Widdershins in JavaScript programs in the project.

Converting files with JavaScript

  1. Create a JavaScript program with the following general steps. You can name the file anything you want.
  2. In the JavaScript file, import Widdershins so you can use it in the program:
    const widdershins = require('widdershins');
  3. Set up your options in an options object. Use the JavaScript parameter name from the file, not the CLI parameter name. For example, these options generate code samples in Python and Ruby:
    const options = {
      language_tabs: [{ python: "Python" }, { ruby: "Ruby" }]
  4. Import and parse the OpenAPI or Swagger file. This example uses the NodeJS FileSystem and JSON packages:
    const fs = require('fs');
    const fileData = fs.readFileSync('swagger.json', 'utf8');
    const swaggerFile = JSON.parse(fileData);
  5. Use Widdershins to convert the file. Widdershins returns the converted Markdown via a Promise:
    widdershins.convert(swaggerFile, options)
    .then(markdownOutput => {
      // markdownOutput contains the converted markdown
    .catch(err => {
      // handle errors
  6. When the Promise resolves, write the Markdown to a file:
    widdershins.convert(swaggerFile, options)
    .then(markdownOutput => {
      // markdownOutput contains the converted markdown
      fs.writeFileSync('', markdownOutput, 'utf8');
    .catch(err => {
      // handle errors
  7. Run the JavaScript program:
    node convertMarkdown.js

The complete JavaScript program looks like this:

const widdershins = require('widdershins');
const fs = require('fs');

const options = {
  language_tabs: [{ python: "Python" }, { ruby: "Ruby" }]

const fileData = fs.readFileSync('swagger.json', 'utf8');
const swaggerFile = JSON.parse(fileData);

widdershins.convert(swaggerFile, options)
.then(markdownOutput => {
  // markdownOutput contains the converted markdown
  fs.writeFileSync('', markdownOutput, 'utf8');
.catch(err => {
  // handle errors

Now you can use the Markdown file in your documentation or use a tool such as Shins to convert it to HTML.