Linter rules format

Rules file format

A rules file is a YAML (or JSON) formatted file, containing an object, with a rules property, which is an array of rule objects.

There is a require property (type string) at the top level, which is used for rule-set chaining.

The url property can be used as the base for looking up rule documentation, the rule-name value should be appended as a fragment-id. The url property may be overridden for individual rules.


- name: parameter-description
  object: parameter
  description: parameter objects should have a description
  truthy: description
- name: parameter-name-regex
  object: parameter
  description: parameter names should match RFC6570
    property: name
    value: '^[A-Za-z0-9?_()]+$'

Rule object format

Property Type Required Description
name string yes The name/slug of the rule. Use hyphens. Used as the unique key. You can namespace your rules with any prefix and delimiter you wish, to avoid clashes with other people’s and the built-in rules
description string recommended An optional description for the rule
disabled boolean no Set to true to temporarily disable a rule
enabled boolean deprecated No longer used by oas-linter
object string|array no The object(s) to act upon, may be * for all objects. E.g. parameter
schema o bject no A JSON Schema object used to validate the input object
truthy string|array no A property or list of properties which must be truthy (present with a non-false, non-null, non-empty value). Empty arrays are not considered truthy
alphabetical object no Structure: { properties: string, keyedBy: string }
if object no An object containing a property key. If this is present, the property within must be present with the value in the then.value. An optional and else.value may be supplied
or array no An array of property names, one or more of which must be present
maxLength object no An object containing a property string name, and a value (integer). The length of the property value must not be longer than value
notContain object no An object containing a properties array and a value or pattern. None of the properties must contain the value or match the pattern. Used with strings
notEndWith object no An object containing a property, an optional omit prefix and a value string. The given property (once omit is removed) must not end with the given value. Used with strings
pattern object no An object containing a property name, an optional split string which is used to split the value being tested into individual components, an optional omit string (which is chopped off the front of each component being tested), and a value regex property which is used to test all components of the property value being tested. If startsWith is present, the property must start with that string or the rule is skipped
properties integer no The exact number of non-extension properties which must be present on the target object
skip string no The name of a property in the options object. If this property is truthy, then the rule is skipped. E.g. isCallback can be used to skip rules for operation objects within callback objects, while still applying to top-level operation objects
url string no An optional override of the top-level url property, just for this rule
xor array no An array of property names, only one of which must be present